Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

How to Easily Write and Deliver a Funeral Eulogy Even If You Hate Public Speaking

The task of composing and delivering a funeral eulogy is a huge responsibility, for the eulogy forms a very important part of a typical funeral service in western culture.

I have always shied away from public speaking however from experience I have discovered that authoring and delivering a eulogy is a separate issue. It is an honour to be able to express to others my feelings towards, and review the life of someone I loved through my eyes. See your eulogy as a chance to put your feelings on the record and not a harrowing experience to be fearful of undertaking. Take this view, develop a positive attitude and the prospect of writing and delivering a funeral eulogy becomes achievable.

If you are not confident at public speaking do yourself a favour and take ample time to construct your eulogy. Take advantage of the many resources available to ensure your funeral eulogy is cohesive and compelling. Such resources will include people close to the deceased, personal records and online resources. Being well prepared will give you time to shape and refine your funeral eulogy

Make full notes of your eulogy and rehearse it until you are really familiar with its contents. It's a good idea to run your eulogy past someone who was closely associated with the deceased for comment and confirmation.

When delivering your eulogy I suggest you read directly from your notes.Better make sure that they are clearly written and you can easily see where you are at if your attention wanders. Personally, I never try to "wing" it but always read from notes. I suggest large print and good spacing between paragraphs, paper is still cheap.

Pause between points, look up at the audience and breathe evenly and slowly to maintain control. A good long pause between points enables your audience to ponder what you have just said and at the same lets you focus on your next point. This pause adds a sense of professionalism and control to your eulogy.

So now you can be confident and relaxed about delivering your funeral eulogy because you have relevant material, comprehensive notes to read from, done your research and had the whole thing checked out by someone close to the deceased.

Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

How to Speak Well In English - Tips on How to Speak Well in English

If you want to learn how to speak well in English, you have a variety of options to choose from. You can enrol in formal classroom training by yourself or in a group. You can buy language tapes and try to learn on your own. You might also consider taking an online virtual class in English. Internet classes are great because you can work in the privacy of your own home, usually at any time that is convenient to you. Some course work may require you to interface with an instructor but even that is easy with programs like Skype. If disability, distance or your work schedule make it impossible for you to go to a regular classroom, internet English classes may be perfect for you.

Students who take English as a second language generally strive to speak their new language well. Speaking great English takes more than just structured classroom work, however. You need to also practice with friends. You can listen and watch movies with English. With movies, you can even activate a subtitle function which is a great tool so you can make sure you understand the visual as well as the spoken words. You can also pause and replay a movie to review your understanding. Another great aspect about learning English by watching movies with subtitles is that you can also learn or simply enjoy a particular subject or content depending on the movie of your choice.

If you want to speak English well and you are learning it as a second language, you must be patient with yourself, but you must also commit to practicing as much as you can. The more you read, write, and speak in English, the more you will retain vocabulary and begin to know when to use it. English has a lot of exceptions as compared to some languages. You should find ways to make learning English fun too. It doesn't have to be completely a serious endeavour. Consider taking a field trip to a zoo or other interesting location and try speaking in only English with a friend as you observe everything around you.